Will you join, too? helpthehoneybees.com
Here are a few bee facts to get you started:
1. Honey bees are responsible for pollinating one-third of all the foods we eat, including many of our favorite fruits, nuts and vegetables.
2. Alarmingly, more than 25 percent of the Western honey bee population has disappeared over the last several winters, threatening our food supply and our way of life.
3. Many of the honey bee deaths are being attributed to a mysterious threat called Colony Collapse Disorder, which causes bees to suddenly leave their hive and die. Unfortunately, not much is known about this new threat.
4. Researchers are working to find a solution to Colony Collapse Disorder, but there are ways that we can all help the honey bees today. Learn more about bees and what you can do to help at helpthehoneybees.com.
1 Fact confirmed by Häagen-Dazs® ice cream, February 1, 2008
2 Bee Board Contributor. Informational Correspondence. February 4, 2008
3 Fact confirmed by Häagen-Dazs® ice cream, February 1, 2008
4 Bee Board Contributor. Informational Correspondence. February 4, 2008
5 Bee Board Contributor. Informational Correspondence. February 4, 2008
6 Delaplane, Keith S. and D. F. Mayer.
Crop Pollination by Bees. Wallingford, UK: CABI Publishing, 2000.
7 “Ask Dr. Universe: The Big Questions.” Washington State University Online. 1998.
8 Agnew, Singeli. “The Almond and the Bee.”
San Francisco Chronicle October 14, 2007: P12+.
9 “Bees Vanish, and Scientists Race for Reasons.”
The New York Times Online.October 14, 2007.
The Daily Green Online. 14 June 2007.
PBS Nova Online. October 2000.
12 Fact confirmed by Häagen-Dazs® ice cream,
January 2, 2008.
13 “Plants Attractive to Native Bee.”
USDA: Agricultural Research Service. 2007.
December 18, 2007.
Informational Correspondence. January 9, 2008